NECCC Board Member Feature: Natalie Leon, Owner/Executive Director of Visiting Angels
Natalie has been in the healthcare industry for over 18 years now, dating back to high school when she started as a CNA and Medication Aide. Her first job was working with Alzheimer’s and dementia patients. Natalie fell in love working with the patients and family members and knew at a very early age it was what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. After graduating with her undergrad at Nebraska Wesleyan University, she helped open an assisted living and memory care community. Eventually, she received her Masters in Health Care Administration and started teaching Introduction to Gerontology at UNL which she continues today. Her most recent experience was with the Alzheimer’s Association, where Natalie went back to her roots and helped provide enhanced education and support to individuals with dementia, their families, health care professionals, and the community. She discovered Visiting Angels while exploring opportunities to open her own business. Through her research, it was evident that with the combination of a rapidly growing senior population, the rising costs of nursing home care and depleted retirement funds, there’s an urgent need for in-home senior care.